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HOT EXERCISE, A Top 10 Best Seller

Three years ago on December 7 my book, HOT EXERCISE, was officially published and released on Amazon and to all HOTWORX franchise locations. Since that time it has been made available in paperback, hardcover, Kindle version ebook and in audible version. It has remained on the Amazon Best Seller list almost from the beginning and reached #9 for the business franchise category in November, and #7 this past April. HOT EXERCISE has reached the top 10 numerous times over the past three years.

I wrote the book for two reasons. First, for HOTWORX customers and potential customers to gain a full understanding of the advantages of infrared as a tool to accelerate health and fitness results. Second, for HOTWORX franchisees and potential franchisees to do the same. When the two year book project was finally completed, the end product did accomplish those two objectives, but it went beyond those two things to become the first book as a text to bring together all of the infrared therapy research for the general public as a reference. In the book there are over 70 research references to support the findings and the positions that are written.

As the book sub-title states, infrared fitness is indeed a bold new fitness frontier. As a result of this fitness revolution, hundreds of thousands of people are making impressive fitness gains that would not have been possible before this technology. Every year I read hundreds of HOTWORX reviews online from customers who rave about the fast results that they are obtaining with the use of infrared added to their workouts. I have also met hundreds of HOTWORX customers at book signing events across the country who have shared with me some amazing fitness success stories of how the HOTWORX 3D Training program with the combination of heat, infrared energy and exercise has transformed their lives.

One further testament to the success of infrared training at HOTWORX has been the fact that approximately 80% of the franchise owners are people who started out as HOTWORX customers.

This excerpt from the book really sums it up:

The HOTWORX® Infrared Training System, known as 3D Training, is the result of time quality evolution, too. It is the perfect fitness method for the modern world, and it addresses those four things [the desire to: look better, move better, feel better, and live longer] that people demand from their fitness programs. As you will see when you read through the rest of this book, it makes a lot of sense to combine heat and infrared energy with exercise to achieve the most efficient workout possible.

Welcome to the bold new infrared fitness frontier!

To get a copy of HOT EXERCISE, click here.   👊🔥

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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