July 24, 2022
Don’t Blow Your Intermittent Fast
Intermittent fasting works! I find that a 16 hour per day fasting period yields great results for a calorie restricting practice and for a general feeling of wellness.
July 24, 2022
Intermittent fasting works! I find that a 16 hour per day fasting period yields great results for a calorie restricting practice and for a general feeling of wellness.
January 3, 2022
Last week I announced the company’s intention to launch an innovative new update, Diet Trax, (which is now available) to its workout Burn Off App.
December 27, 2021
At the end of the day, we all know that a successful fitness program requires two things, 1-working out, and 2-proper diet. Some would debate that one is more important that the other. I fall into the camp that believes working out is the foundational activity followed by a proper diet.
December 27, 2017
Let’s talk turkey. We have all spent time on the couch sleeping off a good holiday turkey and dressing meal. Then, when we woke up, someone in the family said something like this, “I see that tryptophan just got the best of you this year, hahaha!” True, something did make you sleepy, but it likely was not just the Christmas turkey.
December 4, 2016
Thanksgiving has passed and we have all consumed an inordinate amount of calories already. Black Friday is gone, Cyber Monday is over, and now it’s Christmas party after Christmas party and then here comes the office Holiday party and, of course, it’s on to New Year’s Eve. There’s bowl game after bowl game to watch and bowls and bowls of chips to eat while you watch…
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